Bougainvillea ‘Imperial Thai Delight’

Vining shrub. Showy white blooms mature to pink in summer/fall once established.
Bougainvillea 'Imperial Thai Delight'
height 12–20ft
width 3–20ft
tolerates Drought, Heat, Salt
Low – Moderate
Beautiful bougainvillea grows best with infrequnt summer water, a warm sunny exposure and good drainage. When underwatered, bougainvillea will only partially leaf out and look a bit twiggy, but they bloom best when they are NOT watered regularly. They like to go totally dry between watering once fully established with a bit of trunk caliper. You’ll probably want to water your plant every couple weeks to once a month during the summer.
exposure Part Shade – Full Sun
drainage In Ground: Planting Mix, In Pots: Potting Soil
origin Brazil
12, 13, 15–24

Sunset Zones Map

Outdoor Exposure Guide


Full Sun
Six or more hours of sun beams directly landing on the plant's leaves.

Part Shade
Three to five hours of sun beams directly landing on the plant's leaves.

Part Sun
One to two hours of sun beams directly landing on the plants leaves.

Full Shade
The plant is never fully lit by sun beams, but is in a bright spot or has dappled sunbeams playing over the leaves throughout the day.

Deep Shade
The plant never has dappled light on the leaves, and is in a place that feels dim, even on a nice sunny day.


Growing Notes

Bloomtime is generally spring to fall, peaking during summer, but can extend longer with good weather. Generally fertilizer isn’t necessary to get abundant blooms; infact high fertilizers will REDUCE your bougainvillea’s blooms. If your plant is potted or struggling in the ground you can apply a low all purpose fertilizer such as 5-5-5.
Bougainvillea comes in many shapes and sizes, from giant fast-growing thirty-foot vines to dense three-foot-tall bushes. Be sure to read the label description and size for more information about your specific plant’s habits. Vining varieties will need a trellis or other structure to grow on and won’t self-attach, although their thorns do help them catch on trees or other support.
Avoid manipulating roots while planting. They are finicky about root damage.
Prune your bougainvillea to shape it in late winter or early spring after the last risk of frost. Take care, as most varieties have aggressive hooked thorns.
Leaves tend to defoliate during cold winter weather especially if it gets a bit shady. Established plants can grow back from moderate frost damage.

Special Interest

It is a common misconception that bougainvillea flowers are big and bright, when in fact these paper structures are called bracts. The actual bougainvillea flower is hidden within the bract, and is simple and white.