Neoregelia lilliputiana

Masses of dainty, olive green, cups with tiger stripes dangle on long stolons. Hanging baskets, cascading from pots. Good drainage, fill cups with water.
height 2–3ft
width 2–3in
tolerates Pots
Low – Moderate
Bromeliads have evolved their unique shape to funnel rainwater into their centers, and then store it there. When watering it is best to simulate this, by watering from above. When indoors, you can water in the center of the crown and allow the water to overflow down into the lower ‘tanks’ and then the roots without getting the area around your plant wet.
exposure Part Sun – Part Shade
In or Out
drainage In Ground: Cactus Mix, In Pots: Cactus Mix, Orchid Bark
fertilizing Acid 1/2 Strength
origin E Brazil

Growing Notes

Bromeliads are occasionally terrestrial (grow in the ground) but generally are epiphytic, growing on the trunks and branches of trees. Some are lythophytic, growing in the cracks of rock faces. Either way they don’t need much root space and thrive in pots.
Since they are epiphytic, bromeliads are a great choice for mounting on a plank, tree, fence, totem or rock.
Because they are usually growing in tight spots their nutrients come from decaying litter, making them appreciate a light acidic fertilizer.
When planting in the ground take extra care to ensure good drainage. Some ways to do this are by mounding the plants, adding pumice or lava rock to the soil, or even planting nursery cans directly into a basin of pumice to keep their roots constrained.
Avoid planting under trees or other plants that shed a lot, as the litter will collect in the rosettes. If this happens you can flush the tanks out with a garden hose.

Special Interest

Lavender flowers on this species poke up just beyond the basin of the rosette, but aren’t particularly showy. Once a rosette blooms it will slowly decline and can be twisted off once it is completely dead and replaced by new stolons.