Protea scolymocephala

thistle protea
Dainty shrub with orb-like flower buds that open into tea-cups of creamy green flowers with pink tints. Leaves redden with winter chills. Fast growing, flowers young and in early spring.
Protea scolymocephalaProtea scolymocephala
height 2–5ft
width 2–5ft
tolerates Coast, Cool Summers, Drought, Fog, Pots, Wind
Low – Moderate
Proteas are well adapted to our Mediterranean climate, making them carefree plants with bountiful rewards. After a few years, when your protea is established, it will want deep watering every couple weeks, though it will tolerate more if the drainage is excellent.

Protea respond very poorly to clay soils, especially if they are overwatered. If you just have to plant one in your clay garden, mounding or planting on a slope can help. Also amending with liberal minerals such as lava or pumice helps.
exposure Full Sun
drainage In Ground: Cactus Mix, In Pots: Cactus Mix, Tolerates Sandy Soil
fertilizing Bloodmeal, Fish Emulsion, Low Needs
origin South Africa
16, 17, 21–24, H2

Sunset Zones Map

Outdoor Exposure Guide


Full Sun
Six or more hours of sun beams directly landing on the plant's leaves.

Part Shade
Three to five hours of sun beams directly landing on the plant's leaves.

Part Sun
One to two hours of sun beams directly landing on the plants leaves.

Full Shade
The plant is never fully lit by sun beams, but is in a bright spot or has dappled sunbeams playing over the leaves throughout the day.

Deep Shade
The plant never has dappled light on the leaves, and is in a place that feels dim, even on a nice sunny day.


Growing Notes

While protea can typically be kept smaller through pruning this one rarely needs it, naturally growing into a tidy small shrub.
Proteas have evolved to live in very poor soils, and so they should never have phosphorus fertilizer, which many a grower has learned the hard way. If you give your protea all-purpose fertilizer, it’ll likely be completely dead within a couple weeks. They do respond well to light acidic fertilizer, such as cotton seed meal, or nitrogen fertilizers such as blood meal and fish emulsion. Generally its better to sit back and see how the plant grows without fertilzier, which is typically not needed.
Relatively short lived, around ten years, for a protea.

Special Interest

Their coveted flowers on stiff stems are long-lasting after they’re cut, perfect for arrangements.